The Positive Change Attitude

Implementing an ERP system may require a significant cultural change


ERP Implementation is about Change!

At OTOOL, we know that implementing an ERP system may require a significant cultural change within an organisation

Implementing a new ERP and subsequent processes in the workplace can be daunting, but it is essential to align your company's values, mission, and goals with the day-to-day operations.

ERP systems have the potential to reshape the way businesses operate, affecting processes, workflows, and the overall way employees interact with technology and each other.

Many projects fail because they are misled (by an unskilled or inexperienced implementation team) into believing that an ERP is a "Technology" project rather than a "Business Change" one. It's easy to see how individuals fall into this trap; after all, software is installed and configured, and personnel will utilise it as a new basic task to learn.

Below are some key considerations for managing culture change during the ERP implementation:

A  strong leadership support is crucial for a successful ERP implementation.

An effective communication is essential throughout the ERP implementation process. We recommend to update employees regularly about the project's progress, milestones, and any change to the plan. Encouraging open dialogue, addressing concerns, and being transparent about challenges is the key attitude to success!

Providing comprehensive training programs to ensure employees are comfortable and confident using the new ERP system is essential. Training must be tailored to the needs of different departments and roles within the organisation.

Identifying and empowering change champions within the organisation is a factor of success!

While it's important to align the ERP system with existing processes, OTOOL recommends avoiding excessive customisation that can make the system too complex. ERP best practices involve reevaluating and streamlining existing processes to exploit the system's capabilities fully before developing customisation solutions.

Considering conducting pilot programs with a small group of users or in a specific department before rolling out the ERP system organisation-wide is recommended for medium to big project.

Establishing feedback mechanisms to collect employees' input regarding their ERP system experiences is beneficial.

Recognising and rewarding employees for their efforts and contributions to the ERP implementation is important. This will help to create a positive culture around the change. At OTOOL we love and promote positive ambiance! 

Assigning a dedicated change management team responsible for overseeing the cultural aspects of the ERP implementation is a prerequisite for some projects. This team can work in conjunction with us to ensure a holistic implementation approach.

Defining clear Key Performance Indicators to measure the success of the ERP implementation, both in terms of technical aspects and cultural change, is essential. Assessing progress regularly and making adjustments as needed are also vital for the success of the implementation.

Understand that resistance to change is natural, and some employees may take longer to adapt than others. Be patient and resilient in addressing positive challenges and setbacks.


At OTOOL we think that the culture change process doesn't end with the ERP system going live.

Continuing to provide support, monitoring usage, and sharing any ongoing issues or concerns is essential. We assist you and we put our collaboration on a lasting basis!

Remember that culture change takes time, and it's essential to approach it with sensitivity and empathy.

By focusing on communication, training, leadership support, and ongoing engagement, you will help your organisation adapt to the changes brought by your ERP implementation more smoothly and effectively.

OTOOL supports your change at every step!