The Implementation Life Cycle

It is the successful adoption process that determines the ERP implementation success

well-structured approach must guide the implementation actions and planning 

At OTOOL we know that ERP implementation is a challenging process. It may involve multiple stakeholders within a company and can take anywhere from six months to one year or more.

Whatever is the time frame, it encompasses various stages and activities to ensure a successful and smooth transition to the new system.

We exist to help you to define your implementation strategy and guide you through each step.

While the specifics may vary depending on the organisation and the chosen ERP solution, we recommend a life cycle following the activities sequences below:

Organisation, process, and needs analysis

ERP solutions alignment

Business case development


Design / Adjustment / Customisation

Testing / Training

Data Migration

Go-live / Deployment

Support / Maintenance

Assessment / Upgrade

Reacting to the needs of our clients and tailoring the best solution is our priority

We are OTOOL!


​The Positive Change Attitude